Results for 'David A. DilworthHugh J. Silverman'

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  1.  20
    A Cross-Cultural Approach to the De-Ontological Self Paradigm.David A. DilworthHugh J. Silverman - 1978 - The Monist 61 (1):82-95.
    We propose in this paper to focus upon the de-ontological self concept discoverable in Eastern and Western philosophical traditions. In a larger study, we intend to contrast this “no self” paradigm with major pro-ontological formulations of the self concept. These pro-ontological definitions can be divided into three basic types, namely the absolute-universal self, the transcendental-constituting self, and the natural-organic self.
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    Virtue and Meaning: A Neo-Aristotelian Perspective by David Mcpherson.Eric J. Silverman - 2020 - Review of Metaphysics 74 (1):159-161.
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    Ancient EgyptSearching for Ancient Egypt: Art, Architecture, and Artifacts from the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology.Ronald J. Leprohon & David P. Silverman - 2000 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 120 (2):235.
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    Mediterranean modernism: intercultural exchange and aesthetic development.Adam J. Goldwyn & Renée M. Silverman (eds.) - 2016 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This book explores how Modernist movements all across the Mediterranean basin differed from those of other regions. The chapters show how the political and economic turmoil of a period marked by world war, revolution, decolonization, nationalism, and the rapid advance of new technologies compelled artists, writers, and other intellectuals to create a new hybrid Mediterranean Modernist aesthetic which sought to balance the tensions between local and foreign, tradition and innovation, and colonial and postcolonial.
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    David J. Elliott, Marissa Silverman, and Gary E. McPherson, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Philosophical and Qualitative Assessment in Music Education (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2019). [REVIEW]Cara Faith Bernard - 2021 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 29 (1):123-129.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Oxford Handbook of Philosophical and Qualitative Assessment in Music Education ed. by David J. Elliott, Marissa Silverman and Gary E. McPhersonCara Faith BernardDavid J. Elliott, Marissa Silverman, and Gary E. McPherson, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Philosophical and Qualitative Assessment in Music Education (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2019)Three leading voices in music education, David J. Elliott, Marissa Silverman, and Gary (...)
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  6. Bodily skill and internal representation in sensorimotor perception.David Silverman - 2018 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 17 (1):157-173.
    The sensorimotor theory of perceptual experience claims that perception is constituted by bodily interaction with the environment, drawing on practical knowledge of the systematic ways that sensory inputs are disposed to change as a result of movement. Despite the theory’s associations with enactivism, it is sometimes claimed that the appeal to ‘knowledge’ means that the theory is committed to giving an essential theoretical role to internal representation, and therefore to a form of orthodox cognitive science. This paper defends the role (...)
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  7.  43
    Moral distress in nurses caring for patients with Covid-19.Henry J. Silverman, Raya Elfadel Kheirbek, Gyasi Moscou-Jackson & Jenni Day - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (7-8):1137-1164.
    Background: Moral distress occurs when constraints prevent healthcare providers from acting in accordance with their core moral values to provide good patient care. The experience of moral distress in nurses might be magnified during the current Covid-19 pandemic. Objective: To explore causes of moral distress in nurses caring for Covid-19 patients and identify strategies to enhance their moral resiliency. Research design: A qualitative study using a qualitative content analysis of focus group discussions and in-depth interviews. We purposively sampled 31 nurses (...)
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  8. Sensorimotor enactivism and temporal experience.David Silverman - 2013 - Adaptive Behavior 21 (3):151-158.
    O’Regan and Noë’s sensorimotor approach rejects the old-fashioned view that perceptual experience in humans depends solely on the activation of internal representations. Reflecting a wealth of empirical work, for example active vision, the approach suggests that perceiving is, instead, a matter of bodily exploration of the outside environment. To this end, the approach says the perceiver must deploy knowledge of sensorimotor contingencies, the ways sense input changes with movement by the perceiver or object perceived. Clark has observed that the approach (...)
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  9. Sensorimotor theory and the problems of consciousness.David Silverman - 2017 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 24 (7-8):189-216.
    The sensorimotor theory is an influential account of perception and phenomenal qualities that builds, in an empirically supported way, on the basic claim that conscious experience is best construed as an attribute of the whole embodied agent's skill-driven interactions with the environment. This paper, in addition to situating the theory as a response to certain well-known problems of consciousness, develops a sensorimotor account of why we are perceptually conscious rather than not.
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  10. Tying the Knot: Why Representationalists should Endorse the Sensorimotor Theory of Conscious Feel.David Silverman - 2016 - Philosophical Quarterly 66 (263):pqv097.
    The sensorimotor theory of perception and consciousness is frequently presented as a variety of anti-representationalist cognitive science, and there is thus a temptation to suppose that those who take representation as bedrock should reject the approach. This paper argues that the sensorimotor approach is compatible with representationalism, and moreover that representationalism about phenomenal qualities, such as that advocated by Tye, would be more complete and less vulnerable to criticism if it incorporated the sensorimotor account of conscious feel. The paper concludes (...)
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  11.  70
    Perceived comfort level of medical students and residents in handling clinical ethics issues.Henry J. Silverman, Julien Dagenais, Eliza Gordon-Lipkin, Laura Caputo, Matthew W. Christian, Bert W. Maidment, Anna Binstock, Akinbowale Oyalowo & Malini Moni - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (1):55-58.
    Background Studies have shown that medical students and residents believe that their ethics preparation has been inadequate for handling ethical conflicts. The objective of this study was to determine the self-perceived comfort level of medical students and residents in confronting clinical ethics issues. Methods Clinical medical students and residents at the University of Maryland School of Medicine completed a web-based survey between September 2009 and February 2010. The survey consisted of a demographic section, questions regarding the respondents’ sense of comfort (...)
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  12.  44
    The material word: some theories of language and its limits.David Silverman - 1980 - Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul. Edited by Brian Torode.
    The assumption, that speech is merely the appearance of an external reality to which it refers, is here reversed, in order to shift attention to speech as a ...
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  13.  37
    The sensorimotor theory of perceptual experience.David Silverman - unknown
    The sensorimotor theory is an influential, non-mainstream account of perception and perceptual consciousness intended to improve in various ways on orthodox theories. It is often taken to be a variety of enactivism, and in common with enactivist cognitive science more generally, it de-emphasises the theoretical role played by internal representation and other purely neural processes, giving theoretical pride of place instead to interactive engagements between the brain, non-neural body and outside environment. In addition to offering a distinctive account of the (...)
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  14. Introduction: The Varieties of Enactivism.Dave Ward, David Silverman & Mario Villalobos - 2017 - Topoi 36 (3):365-375.
    This introduction to a special issue of Topoi introduces and summarises the relationship between three main varieties of 'enactivist' theorising about the mind: 'autopoietic', 'sensorimotor', and 'radical' enactivism. It includes a brief discussion of the philosophical and cognitive scientific precursors to enactivist theories, and the relationship of enactivism to other trends in embodied cognitive science and philosophy of mind.
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  15.  33
    Ensuring Quality in Clinical Ethics Consultations: Perspectives of Ethicists Regarding Process and Prior Training of Consultants.Henry J. Silverman, Emily Bellavance & Brian H. Childs - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (2):29-31.
    The ASBH Core Competencies Update Task Force (Tarzian and ASBH Core Competencies Update Task Force 2013) provides useful information for individual consultants performing case consultations. A grow...
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  16.  27
    Gadamer and Hermeneutics: Science, Culture, Literature.Hugh J. Silverman (ed.) - 2016 - Routledge.
    This title, first published in 1991, opens with an account by Gadamer of his own life and work and their relation to the achievements of hermeneutics. Building upon the key theme of dialogue, Gadamer and Hermeneutics provides a series of essays, either linked Gadamer to other major contemporary philosophers or focusing on a given Gadamerian theme. This book will be of interest to students of literary theory.
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  17.  29
    Philosophy and Non-philosophy Since Merleau-Ponty.Hugh J. Silverman (ed.) - 1988 - New York: Routledge.
    In _Philosophy and Non-Philosophy since Merleau-Ponty,_ editor Hugh J. Silverman has collected essays from the leading scholars in Continental philosophy, creating a forum for the discussion of contemporary writings and differing perspectives on the role of philosophy since the death of Merleau-Ponty: Sartre, Barthes, Heidegger, Lacan, Levinas, Deleuze, Foucault, Lyotard, Habermas, and Derrida. Included in this volume is Silverman's translation of Merleau-Ponty's last course at the Collège de France in 1960-61 and an extensive research bibliography. Originally published in (...)
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  18.  30
    Eric J. Silverman, The Supremacy of Love: An Agape-Centered Vision of Aristotelian Virtue Ethics, (Lanham: Lexington Books, 2019), 165 pages. ISBN: 978-1-7936-0883-3. Hardback: $90.00. [REVIEW]David J. Rodriguez - 2022 - Journal of Value Inquiry 56 (4):687-692.
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  19.  22
    Inscriptions: after phenomenology and structuralism.Hugh J. Silverman - 1987 - Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press.
    A new preface by the author updates this classic text.
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  20.  14
    Aristotle's Argument for Perfectionism.Eric J. Silverman - 2011 - In Michael Bruce & Steven Barbone, Just the Arguments. Chichester, West Sussex, U.K.: Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 214–216.
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  21.  35
    Were There “Additional Foreseeable Risks” in the SUPPORT Study? Lessons Not Learned from the ARDSnet Clinical Trials.Henry J. Silverman & Didier Dreyfuss - 2015 - Hastings Center Report 45 (1):21-29.
    SUPPORT, a study involving approximately 1,300 premature infants who were randomly assigned to treatment protocols that differed in whether they offered higher or lower levels of oxygen saturation, was purportedly an example of comparative effectiveness research performed in the intensive care unit. However, SUPPORT became highly controversial. One source of controversy involved the proper determination of “reasonably foreseeable risks.” Commentators debated whether randomization to contrasting restrictive strategies that are within existing standard‐of‐care treatments imposed additional “reasonably foreseeable risks” greater than what (...)
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  22.  19
    Postmodernism: philosophy and the arts.Hugh J. Silverman (ed.) - 1990 - New York: Routledge.
    The essays collected here present a cross section of the debates on postmodernism being waged in philosophy and the arts. Some contributors raise general questions about postmodernism, for example, its language and its politics. Others offer specific readings of architecture, painting, literature, theatre, photography, film, and television.
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  23.  59
    The Textual Sublime: Deconstruction and its Differences.Hugh J. Silverman & Gary E. Aylesworth (eds.) - 1990 - State University of New York Press.
    This book addresses the question of deconstruction by asking what it is and discussing its alternatives. To what extent does deconstruction derive from a philosophical stance, and to what extent does it depend upon a set of strategies, moves, and rhetorical practices that result in criticism? Special attention is given to the formulations offered by Jacques Derrida and by Paul de Man . And what, in deconstructive terms, does it mean to translate from one textual corpus into another? Is it (...)
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  24.  16
    (1 other version)Adama's True Lie: Earth and the Problem of Knowledge.Eric J. Silverman - 2007-11-16 - In Jason T. Eberl, Battlestar Galactica and Philosophy. Blackwell. pp. 192–202.
    This chapter contains section titled: “You're Right. There's No Earth. It's All a Legend” “I'm Not a Cylon!…Maybe, But We Just Can't Take That Chance” “You Have to Have Something to Live For. Let it be Earth” Notes.
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  25.  9
    Consciousness and the Acquisition of Language.Hugh J. Silverman (ed.) - 1973 - Northwestern University Press.
    The tools, concepts, and vocabulary of phenomenology are used in this book to explore language in a multitude of contexts.
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    Derrida and Deconstruction.Hugh J. Silverman (ed.) - 1989 - London: Routledge.
    The effects of Derrida's writings have been widespread in literary circles, where they have transformed current work in literary theory. By contrast Derrida's philosophical writings--which deal with the whole range of western thought from Plato to Foucault--have not received adequate attention by philosophers. Organized around Derrida's readings of major figures in the history of philosophy, ____Derrida and Deconstruction __ focuses on and assesses his specifically philosophical contribution. Contemporary continental philosophers assess Derrida's account of philosophical tradition, with each contributor providing a (...)
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  27.  38
    Hermeneutics and Deconstruction.Hugh J. Silverman & Don Ihde (eds.) - 1985 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    Hermeneutics and Deconstruction provides an assessment of two dominant modes of thinking and writing in continental philosophy today. It addresses central issues in the theory of interpretation and in the strategies of textual reading. Placed in the context of contemporary philosophical practice, this volume raises the question of the “end” of philosophy and offers different ways of understanding how the question of “closure” in philosophy can itself open up a whole range of philosophical activities. Special attention is given to the (...)
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  28. Intermedialities: Philosophy, Arts, Politics.Hugh J. Silverman, Louise Burchill, Jean-Luc Nancy, Laurens ten Kate, Luce Irigaray, Elaine P. Miller, George Smith, Peter Schwenger, Bernadette Wegenstein, Rosi Braidotti, Rosalyn Diprose, Dorota Glowacka, Heinz Kimmerle, Purushottama Bilimoria, Sally Percival Wood & Slavoj Z.¡ iz¡ek (eds.) - 2010 - Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books.
    As an alternative to universalism and particularism, Intermedialities: Philosophy, Arts, Politics proposes "intermedialities" as a new model of social relations and intercultural dialogue. The concept of "intermedialities" stresses the necessity of situating debates concerning social relations in the divergent contexts of new media and avant-garde artistic practices as well as feminist, political, and philosophical analyses.
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    Piaget, philosophy, and the human sciences.Hugh J. Silverman (ed.) - 1980 - Evanston, IL.: Northwestern University Press.
    This book surveys Piaget's work from a number of angles, and general discussions of the main conceptual oppositions of this theory are balanced with more ...
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  30.  13
    Game of Thrones as Philosophy: Cynical Realpolitiks.Eric J. Silverman & William Riordan - 2022 - In David Kyle Johnson, The Palgrave Handbook of Popular Culture as Philosophy. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 541-554.
    Game of Thrones is a popular, award-winning television series with an eight-season run on Home Box Office, based on the Song of Fire and Ice series of books by George R.R. Martin. It depicts a morally complex political situation in a fantasy environment that has some similarities to medieval Europe. In the midst of this setting, the series advocates a cynical attitude towards politics, social structures, and religion. Most notably, the series suggests that there is no such thing as political (...)
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  31.  17
    Postmodernism and Continental Philosophy.Hugh J. Silverman & Donn Welton (eds.) - 1988 - State University of New York Press.
    The volume begins with a major statement by the French feminist culture critic Julia Kristeva and includes essays by well-known and also younger continental philosophers writing in the North American context and reassessing the European ...
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  32.  40
    Robert Solomon’s Rejection of Aristotelian Virtue.Eric J. Silverman - 2011 - Essays in Philosophy 12 (1):18-31.
    A recurring theme within Robert Solomon’s writings concerns the central importance of the passions. His high regard for the passions even motivates him to challenge the traditional understanding of virtue. Solomon rejects the Aristotelian view that virtues are dispositions of character developed according to rational principles rather than passions. He offers the counter-example of erotic love as a passion that is not based upon rationality, which he argues ought to be viewed as a virtue. This paper argues that while Solomon’s (...)
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  33.  19
    What Counts as Equipoise?Henry J. Silverman & Didier Dreyfuss - 2015 - Hastings Center Report 45 (3):3-4.
    A commentary on “SUPPORT: Risks, Harms, and Equipoise,” by Robert M. Nelson; “The Controversy over SUPPORT Continues and the Hyperbole Increases,” by Alan R. Fleischman; and “SUPPORT and the Ethics of Study Implementation,” by John D. Lantos and Chris Feudtner, all in the January‐February 2015 issue.
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  34. Can we turn people into pain pumps?: On the Rationality of Future Bias and Strong Risk Aversion.David Braddon-Mitchell, Andrew J. Latham & Kristie Miller - 2023 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 1:1-32.
    Future-bias is the preference, all else being equal, for negatively valenced events be located in the past rather than the future, and positively valenced ones to be located in the future rather than the past. Strong risk aversion is the preference to pay some cost to mitigate the badness of the worst outcome. People who are both strongly risk averse and future-biased can face a series of choices that will guarantee them more pain, for no compensating benefit: they will be (...)
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  35. Donation After Circulatory Death: Burying the Dead Donor Rule.David Rodríguez-Arias, Maxwell J. Smith & Neil M. Lazar - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics 11 (8):36-43.
    Despite continuing controversies regarding the vital status of both brain-dead donors and individuals who undergo donation after circulatory death (DCD), respecting the dead donor rule (DDR) remains the standard moral framework for organ procurement. The DDR increases organ supply without jeopardizing trust in transplantation systems, reassuring society that donors will not experience harm during organ procurement. While the assumption that individuals cannot be harmed once they are dead is reasonable in the case of brain-dead protocols, we argue that the DDR (...)
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    Method issues in business ethics research: finding credible answers to questions that matter.David Campbell & Christopher J. Cowton - 2015 - Business Ethics: A European Review 24 (2):S3-S10.
    This paper is an essay based on many years of reviewing journal submissions and discussions with business ethics scholars on a range of themes regarding methods. To some extent, it contains condensed thoughts from two experienced scholars in the field, which we hope will be useful, especially to emerging scholars who, to some extent, may still be wrestling with some of the issues raised in the paper. The validity and reliability of research methods in business ethics research is discussed in (...)
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  37. (1 other version)Ascent and descent: The philosopher's regret.Allan Silverman - 2007 - Social Philosophy and Policy 24 (2):40-69.
    The aim of this long essay is to explain why the philosopher-ruler of Plato's Republic descends “with regret” or having been “compelled” from his contemplation of the Forms to rule the state. It offers a new, optimistic interpretation of his goal in so descending, namely to try to make everyone into a philosopher. After a brief introductory section, I turn to the argument of the Republic to show both that the philosopher's understanding of the Good causes him to try to (...)
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    The σ1-definable universal finite sequence.Joel David Hamkins & Kameryn J. Williams - 2022 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 87 (2):783-801.
    We introduce the $\Sigma _1$ -definable universal finite sequence and prove that it exhibits the universal extension property amongst the countable models of set theory under end-extension. That is, the sequence is $\Sigma _1$ -definable and provably finite; the sequence is empty in transitive models; and if M is a countable model of set theory in which the sequence is s and t is any finite extension of s in this model, then there is an end-extension of M to a (...)
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    French Phenomenology.François-David Sebbah & Robert J. Hudson - 2006 - In Hubert L. Dreyfus & Mark A. Wrathall, A Companion to Phenomenology and Existentialism. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 48–67.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Emmanuel Levinas Michel Henry Jacques Derrida Jean‐Luc Marion Jacques Derrida The Saturated Phenomenon According to Jean‐Luc Marion The Face According to Levinas The Auto‐Revelation of the Figure of Christ in Michel Henry.
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    Models of transfinite provability logic.David Fernández-Duque & Joost J. Joosten - 2013 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 78 (2):543-561.
    For any ordinal $\Lambda$, we can define a polymodal logic $\mathsf{GLP}_\Lambda$, with a modality $[\xi]$ for each $\xi < \Lambda$. These represent provability predicates of increasing strength. Although $\mathsf{GLP}_\Lambda$ has no Kripke models, Ignatiev showed that indeed one can construct a Kripke model of the variable-free fragment with natural number modalities, denoted $\mathsf{GLP}^0_\omega$. Later, Icard defined a topological model for $\mathsf{GLP}^0_\omega$ which is very closely related to Ignatiev's. In this paper we show how to extend these constructions for arbitrary $\Lambda$. (...)
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  41.  13
    Can We Turn People into Pain Pumps? On the Rationality of Future Bias and Strong Risk Aversion.David Braddon-Mitchell, Andrew J. Latham & Kristie Miller - 2023 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 21 (5-6):593-624.
    Future-bias is the preference, all else being equal, for negatively valenced events to be located in the past rather than the future, and positively valenced ones to be located in the future rather than the past. Strong risk aversion is the preference to pay some cost to mitigate the badness of the worst outcome. People who are both strongly risk averse and future-biased can face a series of choices that will guarantee them more pain, for no compensating benefit: they will (...)
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  42.  7
    Gadamer and Hermeneutics.Hans Georg Gadamer & Hugh J. Silverman - 1991 - Psychology Press.
    Hans Georg Gadamer is responsible for the re-emergence of hermeneutics in modern philosophy. This fourth volume of the Continental Philosophy series opens with an account by Gadamer of his own life and work and their relation to the achievements of hermeneutics. Gadamer and Hermeneutics then presents a series of essays that link Gadamer to other major contemporary philosophers. There are special sections on Gadamer's relationship to Heidegger, Ricoeur, Barthes, Derrida and Habermas. The volume concludes with three essays around the questions (...)
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    Paradise Understood: New Philosophical Essays About Heaven.T. Ryan Byerly & Eric J. Silverman (eds.) - 2017 - Oxford University Press.
    Paradise Understood: New Philosophical Essays about Heaven systematically investigates heaven, or paradise, as conceived within theistic religious traditions such as Rabbinic Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. It considers a variety of topics concerning what life in paradise would, could, or will be like for human persons. The collection offers novel approaches to questions about heaven of perennial philosophical interest, and breaks new ground by expanding the range of questions about heaven that philosophers have considered. The contributors wrestle with questions about human (...)
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    Working as Equals: Relational Egalitarianism and the Workplace.Julian David Jonker & Grant J. Rozeboom (eds.) - 2023 - New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    Are hierarchical arrangements in the workplace, including the employer-employee relationship, consistent with the ideal of relating to one another as moral equals? With this question at its core, this volume of essays by leading moral and political philosophers explores ideas about justice in the workplace, contributing to both political philosophy and business ethics. Relational egalitarians propose that the ideal of equality is primarily an ideal of social relationships and view the equality of social relationships as having priority over the distributive (...)
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    Hyperations, Veblen progressions and transfinite iteration of ordinal functions.David Fernández-Duque & Joost J. Joosten - 2013 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 164 (7-8):785-801.
    Ordinal functions may be iterated transfinitely in a natural way by taking pointwise limits at limit stages. However, this has disadvantages, especially when working in the class of normal functions, as pointwise limits do not preserve normality. To this end we present an alternative method to assign to each normal function f a family of normal functions Hyp[f]=〈fξ〉ξ∈OnHyp[f]=〈fξ〉ξ∈On, called its hyperation, in such a way that f0=idf0=id, f1=ff1=f and fα+β=fα∘fβfα+β=fα∘fβ for all α, β.Hyperations are a refinement of the Veblen hierarchy (...)
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  46. Ancestor Simulations and the Dangers of Simulation Probes.David Braddon-Mitchell & Andrew J. Latham - 2024 - Erkenntnis 89:1257-1267.
    Preston Greene (2020) argues that we should not conduct simulation investigations because of the risk that we might be terminated if our world is a simulation designed to research various counterfactuals about the world of the simulators. In response, we propose a sequence of arguments, most of which have the form of an "even if” response to anyone unmoved by our previous arguments. It runs thus: (i) if simulation is possible, then simulators are as likely to care about simulating simulations (...)
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    Ethical Issues and Potential Stakeholder Priorities Associated with the Application of Genomic Technologies Applied to Animal Production Systems.David Coles, Lynn J. Frewer & Ellen Goddard - 2015 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 28 (2):231-253.
    This study considered the range of ethical issues and potential stakeholder priorities associated with the application of genomic technologies applied to animal production systems, in particular those which utilised genomic technologies in accelerated breeding rather than the application of genetic modification. A literature review was used to inform the development of an ethical matrix, which was used to scope the potential perspectives of different agents regarding the acceptability of genomic technologies, as opposed to genetic modification techniques applied to animal production (...)
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  48. Compositional Idioms.David Pitt & Jerrold J. Katz - 2000 - Language 76:409-432.
    In this paper we argue that there is a large class of expressions, typified by ‘plastic flower’, ‘stuffed animal’ and ‘kosher bacon’, that have a unique semantics combining compositional, idiomatic and decompositional interpretation. These expressions are compositional because their constituents contribute their meanings to the meanings of the wholes; they are idiomatic because their interpretation involves assigning dictionary entries to non-terminal elements in their syntactic structure; and they are decompositional because their meanings have proper parts that are not the meanings (...)
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    Complexity theory and learning: Less radical than it seems?David Guile & Rachel J. Wilde - 2024 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 56 (5):439-447.
    In a spirit of collegial support, this paper argues that Beckett and Hager’s theoretical justification and empirical exemplifications do not do full justice to the complexity of group or team learning. We firstly reaffirm our support for the theoretical argument Becket and Hager make, though expressing some reservations about Complexity Theory, to explain the taken-for-granted assumptions that learning by an individual is the paradigm case of learning and that context plays a minimal role in this process. Drawing on our joint (...)
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    Detaining immigrants and asylum seekers: a normative introduction.Stephanie J. Silverman - 2014 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 17 (5):600-617.
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